Construction Claims Expert Consulting

Our construction claims consultants are experienced in project management, scheduling, cost estimating and more

Ivey Engineering offers construction claims expert consulting resources to assist clients with disputes. Our team of experts consists of former construction managers and construction company executives.

Construction claims can include any number of issues relating to project administration, design or construction. In many cases, these issues can be very technical and not easy to understand for people unfamiliar with the construction process. The same is true for determining and quantifying damages associated with these issues.

IEI’s construction claims consultants are skilled in construction safety, project management, scheduling, cost estimating, bidding, claims preparation, presentation and defense. We assist with construction claims that include unresolved change orders, design errors or omissions, allegations of inadequate project administration, failure to prosecute the work, abandonment, suspension, termination, force majeure, differing site conditions or interference. Our firm is retained by plaintiffs, defendants and neutral parties.

man sitting in conference room
Is your firm in need of  construction claims expert consulting?  Call or e-mail us today!

IEI Utilizes Proven Methods

Ivey Engineering’s experts prepare or analyze construction dispute claims utilizing proven methods and techniques to facilitate resolution. IEI’s construction claims expert consulting services include:

  • Reviewing project documents
  • Interviewing project team members
  • Performing site inspections
  • Analyzing schedules and costs
  • Analyzing change orders
  • Performing cost estimating and cost analysis
  • Researching codes and industry standards
  • Preparing reports, exhibits and presentations
  • Participating in mediations, hearings and trials

We Know Claims Dispute

The firm’s construction claims consultants have experience in virtually all elements of a claims dispute. These include:

  • Direct costs
  • Indirect costs
  • Extended project costs and general conditions
  • Additional home office overhead costs
  • Change orders
  • Cost escalation
  • Lost productivity and inefficiency
  • Acceleration costs
  • Delay damages
  • Disruption
  • Differing site conditions
  • Over inspection
  • Excessive changes
  • Cardinal changes
  • Abandonment
  • Construction safety
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Would you like a fee schedule for our services? Please fill out the request form and we’ll get back to you soon.
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